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Domain Industry Update - Week 15

20200626_week15 You're going to love the data in this week's update!

Normal 0 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE It looks like I may have been right....fingers crossed. So what was I right about? The fact that the normalized RPM for the domain industry is beginning to trend upwards at the end June. Given the impact of COVID-19 this isn't completely unexpected but it's always a welcome sign that the Internet is thriving.

As well as the regular suite of charts I went I’d trawl through the archives and pull some data on a monthly basis from July 2019 until today. This really showed a number of the major trends and the fact that domain monetization investors have benefited from an uplift in normalized RPM over the last few months.

I hope you find the information that I’m sharing each week of benefit for your business. Don’t forget to like, comment or subscribe so you don’t miss out on future updates.

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Saturday, 27 July 2024
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