Industry Update - 19 Mar 2021

Great numbers for a great week!

This past week I decided to acquire a couple of great domains…..and they are both new gTLDs. Yes, you read the correctly, I’ve has finally gone rogue and bought a couple of awesome premium domains. So what are they?

Both of the domains I purchased are .CLUBs. I’ve actually always been a fan of .CLUB and over the years I’ve secured a few great ones. This time I grabbed and I plan on using both of these domains for myself. The first one, MG is my initials (Michael Gilmour) and the second is for a ClubHouse I’ve setup which is all about MAXimising your business and life.

I’ve now setup a clubroom and each week I will be hosting an event that will discuss topics such as, “Life Principles”, “How to hire good people”, “Balancing Business and Life” etc.

Topic this week: “Dealing with Disasters”
Time: 4pm USA Eastern
Clubhouse: (search for the club in ClubHouse)
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this week’s stats!

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5270 Hits

Industry Update - 11 Mar 2021

Advertisers roar back into the market.

What a difference a week can make to the statistics pouring across the Internet. This week we saw a sharp rebound in the Google and more in particular the Direct Advertising network numbers. If you haven’t looked at one of my weekly videos before then this is the one to check out.

As well as the RPM and normalized RPM number pulling around a lot of other great things have been taking place. I recently uploaded a new lesson on MasterClass Lessons ( that digs deep into Traffic Quality and why is it that some domains are better than others. If you haven’t done the series on domain monetization then I would encourage you to do so….after all, it’s free!

I should also mention that I am starting a club on ClubHouse….really couldn’t resist actually. It’s on “Entrepreneurship and Life” and will be discussing a wide range of topics that impact not just an entrepreneur’s business but all aspects of their life. I will be hosting it at 4pm Friday EST so make sure you come a check it out.

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5094 Hits

Industry Update - 5 Mar 2021

Google catches a cold!

This week saw some big changes in the numbers as Google fell away and the direct advertising networks picked up the slack. Yes, you read that first sentence correctly. Google dropped substantially in what it was paying out to domain investors while the other networks paid out more.

This brings up an important point. If you are not exposed to other sources of income other than Google then your revenue can be at risk. If you’re doing more than $500 per month in revenue, then I would encourage you to reach out to me at ParkLogic or via my blog as getting a broader mix into your revenue can help mitigate a lot of downside risk.

If you are looking at selling a traffic domain portfolio then we have some cashed up investors that are able to buy. Please feel free to reach out to me if you’re interested.

I would like to also thank all those people that wished my Dad well. He had a health issue that a bit scary for him and the entire family. The good news is he’s back home and doing well.

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4385 Hits

Invitation to WhizzbangsBlog readers

Join me for a time of exploring monetization.

As many readers know, as well as writing my blog I’m also the co-founder of domain monetization company, ParkLogic. I would like to extend an invitation to all readers that are interested in attended any one of the three scheduled Zoom events next week.

Topics covered will include :

  • ParkLogic’s approach to domain traffic monetization.
  • The ParkLogic user experience and API
  • How to get started
  • Time for Q&A

Each of the following 3 sessions will last for about 30 minutes (unless there are lots of questions) and duplicated in the following time zones:
1.    9th Feb, 8PM London (UTC)
2.    9th Feb, 6PM East coast USA (EST)
3.    9th Feb, 5PM West coast USA (PST)

Please reply to this invitation by emailing me at mgilmour at by this Thursday, 4th Feb with your preferred time zone and I will forward the appropriate Zoom link. Feel free to pass this invitation onto others that you feel would also benefit from the event.

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3369 Hits

Domain Update - 14th Jan 2021

The first industry update for 2021

This is the first industry update for 2021 and the changes that have occurred since the last one in mid-December 2020 have been incredible. The statistics show some big changes in how both Google and the Direct Advertising networks are paying out on domain traffic….and it’s all good for domain investors.

I’m sure that every professional investor will get a lot out of the numbers, statistics and charts as I unpack what is happening in the domain monetization industry. My goal is that with this knowledge you can then buy, sell and earn greater amounts of money from your domain portfolio.

For those of you that are interested in hearing more I will be speaking at NamesCon at the following times:
Wed, Jan 27
17:35    Investing in Domains as a Business, Not a Hobby
18:00    Professional Traffic Monetization
Thu, Jan 28
16:20    State of Domain Traffic Monetization
16:45    Increasing revenue and managing risk through traffic quality
Fri, Jan 29
16:15    Running a Structured Traffic Test
17:15    The Future of Domain Monetization
* all times in UTC

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4038 Hits