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Saturday Musings - Overcoming Fear

The world is in the grip of can you overcome it?

The grip of fear for an individual can be completely debilitating, it’s often less about being rational and more about fight or flight. When fear takes hold of a nation then seems to become almost alive.

As we’ve seen in the recent COVID 19 pandemic, fear has caused people to buy-up toilet paper, rush to clean out supermarket shelves, have fist fights over trivial issues and even protest about social isolation.

One of my favorite science fiction books, Dune by Frank Herbert, will later this year be released as a movie. Within its pages the author espoused the following about fear.

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

The question I would ask you this weekend is whether your own thinking is being subsumed by an underlying level of fear. Some of the fears may be completely rational, like, will I lose my job this week, well others turn a mole hill into a mountain. Maybe it’s time to let fear pass through you and remain standing alone without it?

When you look at the world there is a consistent theme of stress, heightened anxiety, depression and sadly suicide….many of these emotions have their roots in fear. Maybe it’s time to put aside fear and develop an attitude of gratitude for what we do have rather than for what may happen?

I hope you enjoy this video as I share my thoughts on fear. Don’t forget to like and subscribe to the video or click on the alerts so you don’t miss out on future blogs.

Have a great weekend.

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Most people who get their 'information' from Murdoch news outlets see this as: Forget Everything And Run On the other hand, tho... Read More
03 May 2020
Love the ancronyms!
04 May 2020
3447 Hits

COVID 19 – Has the Downturn Started?

Analysis on the impact of COVID on domain investing.

This past week saw Google announce a slowdown in the growth of their online advertising business. At ParkLogic, we have seen increased volatility and what looks like the beginnings of a contraction after a period of rapid growth in normalized RPM. What does all this mean for domain investors?

In this video I discuss the broader online advertising industry and a key statement that the CFO of Google released that suggests a more turbulent future. There appears to be a tussle between big business that has largely exited the online space and the rapid rise in small to medium enterprizes entering the market in search of new customers.

In addition to the regular slides I’ve being discussing each week I’ve added several more that show some of the trends on a weekday basis. These are absolutely fascinating to unpack and reveal some great weekly trends for investors to take advantage.

I am for the data I provide in the videos to provide a clear picture of what is happening in the online advertising space with the goal that it will help you to making better decisions for your business. Don’t forget to subscribe, like or sign-up for the push alerts so you don’t miss out on future blogs/videos.

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3141 Hits

Saturday Musings – Finding your passion

There’s nothing quite like speaking with a person that is passionate about a topic. I find that it really doesn’t matter whether it’s science, business or even knitting….the joy for the listener is more about hearing the passion in the teller’s voice.

I remember a number of years ago I was listening to the radio and heard a plumber expound his passion for his profession. He explained to the listeners that without plumbing civilization wouldn’t exist and the fact that we can turn on a tap or flush a toilet is a miracle.

I’d never thought about plumbing in this way before, in fact, I’d never really thought much about plumbing at all. The speaker was riveting in his passion and it was clear that he’d won the interviewer over to his view of plumbing as well.

The question I would ask you in this video is, “What are you passionate about?” In this time of COVID induced isolation we all have been given some precious time back to really think about this issue. Do you want to get to the latter years of your life with regret or have the confidence that you went after your passion with a sense of urgency and zeal?

I hope you enjoy this video as I share a few thoughts on passion. Also, don’t forget to subscribe, comment or like the video as your feedback helps me to be inspired forward in my own blogging passion.

Have a great weekend.

  2028 Hits
2028 Hits

COVID Week 6 – Sustained Growth

Growth in PPC continues.

One of the shining lights in the midst of the terrible pandemic afflicting the world is the Internet. Social distancing used to mean not seeing people but now there are Apps that can bridge the gaps between friends and families. It wasn’t too long ago that work was largely conducted through physical effort while now commerce can still be conducted online.

This is the sixth video in the COVID series where I’m endeavouring to keep domain investors informed about the impact of the virus on the PPC market. I’ve been holding my breath waiting for a crash in earnings per click rates but as you can see in this video it looks like the trends have matured to display a consistent sustained growth.

This outcome is not only a surprise but a great boon for domain traffic investors. I know that many ParkLogic clients have been experiencing record numbers and this is helping them through this terrible time.

Remember to never forget that as important as numbers are, people’s lives are even more so. I would encourage you to continue to reach out to loved ones and see what you can do to support them.
Keep safe.

  3385 Hits
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24 April 2020
I think I can only reply by saying - Thank you!
26 April 2020
3385 Hits

Saturday Musings – My Secret Passion…

What are you passionate about?

I always love hearing someone share about their passion. They come more alive than ever as they get engrossed in trying to convey the emotions they experience as they go sailing, build something out of wood or hike through the mountains. For me, it’s playing games.

For almost the entirety of my life I’ve enjoyed board games, card games and of course, computer games. Now that I’m in my fifties, my father was surprised that I still played computer games until he saw what they’re now like. He said to me, “I didn’t realise that games have grown as you’ve become older.”

In this video I share about my secret passion for computer games. How I was part of the team that worked on the very first Lord of the Rings game for a Z80 processor until now, I’m having fun in virtual reality. Games are my secret passion….what’s yours?

If you’re a gamer experiencing the “joys” of the COVID lock-down then don’t hesitate to reach out to me on Steam or my blog here. It would be great to connect on a planet far, far away….in the meantime, enjoy this glimpse into another aspect of my life.

Have a great weekend!

  3313 Hits
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Guest — Robin John Parnaby
Michael : My passion as you probably know is flying.Although I now am a bit too old now to be flying professionally,I still get to... Read More
19 April 2020
It's always great to hear from you! Yes, the aviation industry has been completely smashed....and I'm not surprised by your story ... Read More
24 April 2020
3313 Hits