Discussions and blogs that relate to the monetisation of domain traffic.

Domain Industry Update – Week 9

The latest weekly update for the domain monetization industry.

I’ve received such great feedback on these weekly videos that I decided to rename them from “COVID-19 Update” to “Domain Industry Update”. Many thanks to all those that have encouraged me to keep on providing them each week.


In this video I unpack the regular set of data that provides insight into what is happened with domain monestization this past week. Questions such as, “How are the RPMs trending?”, “Is Google winning more traffic?” and “Is the volatility increasing or decreasing?” are all answered.

In addition, I’ve added another segment where I open up a real client test and show you what domain optimization can achieve to the bottom line. The three charts display the benefits of a disciplined, focused approach to extracting the most from domain traffic.

Keep the comments, emails, skypes and messages flowing as they encourage me to keep on writing and videoing. Don’t forget to subscribe to either the WhizzbangsBlog Youtube channel or the Alerts here.

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2418 Hits

COVID Week 8 – Swinging Back Up!

What a difference a week can make!

After last week’s video I thought that we were about to enter a downturn for the domain Pay-Per-Click industry. The data was looking a little daunting but what a difference a week can make!


In this video I unpack what’s happened across this last week and do a comparison of direct advertisers versus Google. What the numbers clearly display is if you’re not exposed to the direct advertising market then you’re really missing out on a big increase in revenue.

This series of videos show a detailed picture of the domain monetization industry on a week by week basis. They are not to be missed so don’t forget to subscribe, like and pass them on to a friend that may need to get some additional insights with their domain investments.

Once again, we must not forget that in amongst all the analysis there are people really suffering as a result of COVID-19. Don’t forget to give a friend a call to encourage them while they’re in lock-down, have a family zoom session or just text a friend to let them know you’re thinking about them.


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2558 Hits

COVID 19 – Has the Downturn Started?

Analysis on the impact of COVID on domain investing.

This past week saw Google announce a slowdown in the growth of their online advertising business. At ParkLogic, we have seen increased volatility and what looks like the beginnings of a contraction after a period of rapid growth in normalized RPM. What does all this mean for domain investors?


In this video I discuss the broader online advertising industry and a key statement that the CFO of Google released that suggests a more turbulent future. There appears to be a tussle between big business that has largely exited the online space and the rapid rise in small to medium enterprizes entering the market in search of new customers.

In addition to the regular slides I’ve being discussing each week I’ve added several more that show some of the trends on a weekday basis. These are absolutely fascinating to unpack and reveal some great weekly trends for investors to take advantage.

I am for the data I provide in the videos to provide a clear picture of what is happening in the online advertising space with the goal that it will help you to making better decisions for your business. Don’t forget to subscribe, like or sign-up for the push alerts so you don’t miss out on future blogs/videos.

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2945 Hits

COVID Week 6 – Sustained Growth

Growth in PPC continues.

One of the shining lights in the midst of the terrible pandemic afflicting the world is the Internet. Social distancing used to mean not seeing people but now there are Apps that can bridge the gaps between friends and families. It wasn’t too long ago that work was largely conducted through physical effort while now commerce can still be conducted online.


This is the sixth video in the COVID series where I’m endeavouring to keep domain investors informed about the impact of the virus on the PPC market. I’ve been holding my breath waiting for a crash in earnings per click rates but as you can see in this video it looks like the trends have matured to display a consistent sustained growth.

This outcome is not only a surprise but a great boon for domain traffic investors. I know that many ParkLogic clients have been experiencing record numbers and this is helping them through this terrible time.

Remember to never forget that as important as numbers are, people’s lives are even more so. I would encourage you to continue to reach out to loved ones and see what you can do to support them.
Keep safe.

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24 April 2020
I think I can only reply by saying - Thank you!
26 April 2020
3241 Hits

COVID Week 5 – Trend Continues

How will the trend impact your business?

In this week’s video I continue to unpack what is happening to the RPMs (Revenue per Thousand Visitors) and EPC (Earnings per click) rates as a result of the impact of COVID-19. Both these metrics underpin the entire domain eco-system, including ICANN, registrars, registries and of course, domain investors.


Much to my pleasant surprise the trend upwards for in this quarter has continued and we have not seen the expected precipitous drop off in EPC rates. This has resulted in a continued upward swing in the revenue being generated by domain traffic. This is great news for domain investors that are now experiencing the additional beneficial effect of an influx of new traffic hitting their domains.

Amongst all of the numbers and analysis we must not forget that there are individuals, families and friends that are suffering around the world. My heart and prayers go out to these individuals and that we all continue to take all necessary precautions to halt the spread of the virus.

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3088 Hits