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Nespresso Customer Disaster

Nespresso - Giant coffee maker misses the mark.

After over 12 years of drinking Nespresso coffee, I decided to upgrade my machine and that’s when my story started going downhill. In this video I outline how Nespresso missed a great customer service opportunity by turning an evangelist into something quite else.

Big corporations need to grasp the concept that in this day and age of social media that no amount of marketing dollars can overcome the voice of the individual. So, I decided to create this video about how the Nespresso customer service fundamentally failed a person that was formally an evangelist for their company.

These are a few of the customer service lessons I would recommend they consider:
1.    Ensure the team knows the products they are supporting.
2.    Understand customer value.
3.    Individuals now have power
4.    Bad experiences have lasting impact.

I would encourage all readers of my blog to share this video with others as it’s a great lesson in what NOT to do in this day-and-age with customers.

  3519 Hits
3519 Hits

Industry Update - 12th Feb 2021

Great new set of figures - check them out.

This past week has been exceptionally busy for me and I wish to apologize to everyone for the delay in getting the latest statistics video out. That being said, the numbers continue to reveal some startling revelations about the domain industry and how it’s continuing to expand in a world caught in the grips of Corona.

Once again, courtesy of the virus, I find myself thrust into lockdown. Thirteen people in our quarantine hotels here in Melbourne contracted COVID-19 and the government has decided that we all need to go into strict lockdown…..oh well, seems to me that Clubhouse has become my second home anyway.

Please feel free to leave comments, questions and likes either here on my blog or on my Youtube channel . You can also subscribe to my blog or Youtube channel so you don’t miss out on future updates.

For FREE online lessons in domain monetization go to

  5687 Hits
5687 Hits

Personal Musings – Wisdom and Intelligence

Thoughts on how to improve yourself.

I’ve seen some incredible intelligent people make the stupidest decisions and this really highlights the fact that wisdom and intelligence are completely different to one another. In this video I share my thoughts on these two important attributes and where I go to find both each day.

Although it’s important to expand your breadth of knowledge it’s also just as important, if not more so, to spend time learning to become wise. I know many people that don’t have higher education qualifications but are incredibly wise as they have behind them a wealth of experience.

I hope you enjoy this video as the first in a new series on my thoughts on everyday issues that many of us to spend the time thinking about. At the end of the video, I would encourage you to stop and consider what I shared and think about how it can be applied to your own life.

Have a great weekend.


Please feel free to leave comments, questions and likes either here on my blog or on my Youtube channel . You can also subscribe to my blog or Youtube channel so you don’t miss out on future updates.

For FREE online lessons in domain monetization go to

  5659 Hits
5659 Hits

Industry Update - 4 Feb 2021

What a great week it's been since NamesCon

I can’t believe that it’s already been a week since NamesCon Online. I actually delivered last week’s update at NamesCon so I do apologize to readers who missed it…..well, now I’m back at work and this week’s statistics are incredible.

In this week’s video I share a few thoughts about NamesCon and how it was an absolutely incredibly event. I’m really sorry if you missed it but don’t make the same mistake twice and grab your registration early for the next one.

This past week I’ve fallen in love with ClubHouse….it’s a lot of fun meeting new domain investors in the various rooms and more than that it’s been a privilege to share some thoughts on the industry. If you aren’t in ClubHouse then see if you can spring an invite and take part in the next big thing.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this week's stats.

Please feel free to leave comments, questions and likes either here on my blog or on my Youtube channel . You can also subscribe to my blog or Youtube channel so you don’t miss out on future updates.

For FREE online lessons in domain monetization go to

  4143 Hits
4143 Hits

Invitation to WhizzbangsBlog readers

Join me for a time of exploring monetization.

As many readers know, as well as writing my blog I’m also the co-founder of domain monetization company, ParkLogic. I would like to extend an invitation to all readers that are interested in attended any one of the three scheduled Zoom events next week.

Topics covered will include :

  • ParkLogic’s approach to domain traffic monetization.
  • The ParkLogic user experience and API
  • How to get started
  • Time for Q&A

Each of the following 3 sessions will last for about 30 minutes (unless there are lots of questions) and duplicated in the following time zones:
1.    9th Feb, 8PM London (UTC)
2.    9th Feb, 6PM East coast USA (EST)
3.    9th Feb, 5PM West coast USA (PST)

Please reply to this invitation by emailing me at mgilmour at by this Thursday, 4th Feb with your preferred time zone and I will forward the appropriate Zoom link. Feel free to pass this invitation onto others that you feel would also benefit from the event.

  3711 Hits
3711 Hits